Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nice Art Nouveau Graphic Design photos

Art Nouveau
art nouveau graphic design
Image by Marcio Cabral de Moura
Estação de metrô no centro de Montreal.
Art nouveau ("arte nova" em francês) foi um estilo estético essencialmente de design e arquitetura que também influenciou o mundo das artes plásticas. Era relacionado com o movimento arts & crafts e que teve grande destaque durante a Belle époque, nas últimas décadas do século XIX e primeiras décadas do século XX. Relaciona-se especialmente com a 2ª Revolução Industrial em curso na Europa com a exploração de novos materiais (como o ferro e o vidro, principais elementos dos edifícios que passaram a ser construídos segundo a nova estética) e os avanços tecnológicos na área gráfica, como a técnica da litografia colorida que teve grande influência nos cartazes. Devido à forte presença do estilo naquele período, este também recebeu o apelido de modern style (do inglês, estilo moderno).

Caracteriza-se pelas formas orgânicas, escapismo para a Natureza, valorização do trabalho artesanal, entre outros. O movimento simbolista também influenciou o art nouveau.

Recebeu nomes diversos dependendo do país em que se encontrava: Flower art na Inglaterra, "Modern Style", "Liberty" ou estilo "Floreale" na Itália.

Os alemães criam sua própria vertente de Art Nouveau chamada Jugendstil.

No Brasil, teve fundamental participação na divulgação e realização da art nouveau o Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo. Um dos maiores nomes desse estilo, no Brasil, é o artista Eliseu Visconti, pioneiro do design no País.

Em Portugal, edifícios em estilo arte nova são particularmente comuns em Aveiro e Caldas da Rainha. Em Lisboa, a Casa - Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves é um bom exemplo da variante portuguesa do estilo, assim como no Porto o Café Majestic. Em Portugal foi comum, mais que a arquitetura, a decoração de fachadas e interiores com azulejos em estilo arte nova, como se comprova em muitos edifícios da virada dos séculos XIX e XX.


Underground station at downtown Montreal.
Art Nouveau is an international philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art—especially the decorative arts—that were most popular during 1890-1905. The name "Art Nouveau" is French for "new art". It is known also as Jugendstil, German for "youth style", named for the magazine Jugend, which promoted it, and in Italy, Stile Liberty from the department store in London, Liberty & Co., which popularised the style. A reaction to academic art of the 19th century, it is characterized by organic-- especially floral and other plant-inspired-- motifs, as well as very stylized, flowing curvilinear forms. Art Nouveau is a philosophy of design according to which artists should work on everything from architecture to furniture, making art part of ordinary life.

The style was influenced strongly by Czech artist Alphonse Mucha, when Mucha produced a lithographed poster, which appeared on 1 January 1895 in the streets of Paris as an advertisement for the play Gismonda by Victorien Sardou, featuring Sarah Bernhardt. It popularized the new artistic style and its creator to the citizens of Paris. Initially named Style Mucha, (Mucha Style), his style soon became known as Art Nouveau.

Art Nouveau was most popular in Europe and the British Islands, but its influence was global. Hence, it is known in various guises with frequent localised tendencies. In France, Hector Guimard's Paris metro entrances were of art nouveau style and Emile Gallé practiced the style in Nancy. Victor Horta had a decisive effect on architecture in Belgium. Magazines like Jugend helped publicize the style in Germany, especially as a graphic artform, while the Vienna Secessionists influenced art and architecture throughout Austria-Hungary. Art Nouveau was also a style of distinct individuals such as Gustav Klimt, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Alphonse Mucha, René Lalique, Antoni Gaudí and Louis Comfort Tiffany, each of whom interpreted it in their own manner.

Although Art Nouveau was replaced by 20th-century modernist styles, it is considered now as an important transition between the historicism of Neoclassicism and modernism. Furthermore, Art Nouveau monuments are now recognized by UNESCO with their World Heritage List as significant contributions to cultural heritage. The historic center of Riga, Latvia, with "the finest collection of art nouveau buildings in Europe", was included on the list during 1997 in part because of the "quality and the quantity of its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture", and four Brussels town houses by Victor Horta were included during 2000 as "works of human creative genius" that are "outstanding examples of Art Nouveau architecture brilliantly illustrating the transition from the 19th to the 20th century in art, thought, and society".


Advertising Poster for the Hotel Bristol Naples [ca. 1905].
art nouveau graphic design
Image by Vintage Italy

art nouveau graphic design
Image by pinelife
The old office of Kansanvalistusseura, or KVS Foundation, "the oldest adult education organisation in Finland, with ideological roots in the very same national and cultural awakening which later led to Finland's national independence in 1917."

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Vintage Notepads
art nouveau graphic design
Image by Becky Simmons
Pinterest has inspired me lately to try and create some graphic designs for x-mas presents- initials taken from an old sheet set I found for sale online, flowers taken from scrapbooking freebie packet of vintage cards.

Helsinki: Radisson SAS Plaza
art nouveau graphic design
Image by pinelife
Restaurant of the Radisson SAS Plaza Hotel in Helsinki. Great Art Nouveau details with some 50's modern touches

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